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Simple Truths

"We all seem to be looking for answers and information, wisdom and knowledge.  I have gifted you with many hours on different topics and through these messages, it is my desire that you find clarity, a new direction or just a confirmation of your own truth and knowledge...  Walk your talk and be the Light you are!"

be inspired, simple truths

Topic Includes

Rules for being Human, Judgements, Habits, Charge of Emotions/AAA Method and the fight or flight syndrome...

Applying the tools of awareness to your life
Be Inspired!

Topic Includes

Types of Fears, Meditation, Belief systems and more...

Types of Fears, Meditation, Belief systems
Be Inspired!

Topic Includes

Conscious language, being present, knowing self, self-acceptance, receiving and more...

Conscious language, being present, knowing self, self-acceptance, receiving
Be Inspired!

Topic Includes

Core belief systems, Needs, Fears, Charge of Emotions/AAA Method and more...

Core belief systems, Needs, Fears, Charge of Emotions/AAA Method
Be Inspired!

Topic Includes

Energy vampires, Signs of Abuse, the Body Map and more...

Energy vampires, Signs of Abuse, the Body Map
Be Inspired!

Topic Includes

Spiritual Body Map, Soul Agreements, Attachments, Physical Manifestation of thoughts and more...

piritual Body Map, Soul Agreements, Attachments, Physical Manifestation of thoughts
Be Inspired!

Topic Includes

Connecting the dots, weaving the wisdom, meeting your own needs and more...

Connecting the dots, weaving the wisdom, meeting your own needs
Be Inspired!

Topic Includes

Forrest of beliefs, soul agreements, Chakras and more...

Forrest of beliefs, soul agreements, Chakras
Be Inspired!

Topic Includes

Chakras, Receiving, Perspective, what vs. how and more...

Chakras, Receiving, Perspective, what vs. how
Be Inspired!

Topic Includes

Human kindness, using the tools/techniques, detaching from an outcome, being who you already are and more...

Human kindness, using the tools/techniques, detaching from an outcome, being who you already are
Be Inspired!

Topic Includes

Consciousness and awareness, the power of feelings, raising your vibration and more...

Consciousness and awareness, the power of feelings, raising your vibration
Be Inspired!

Topic Includes

Relationships, Soul agreements and more...

Tools of Conscious Awareness
Be Inspired!

Topic Includes

Tools of Conscious Awareness and much more...

Relationships, Soul agreements
Be Inspired!

Topic Includes

Applying the tools of awareness to your life and more...

Rules for being Human, Judgements, Habits, Charge of Emotions/AAA Method and the fight or flight syndrome
Be Inspired!

Topic Includes

Balance/Karma, Judgments/Comparisons, and more...

Balance/Karma, Judgments/Comparisons
Be Inspired!

Topic Includes

Soul agreements and Free will, Evolution/Ascension and more...

Soul agreements and Free will, Evolution/Ascension
Be Inspired!

Topic Includes

Taking responsibility and connecting the dots to forgiveness and more...

Taking responsibility and connecting the dots to forgiveness
Be Inspired!

Topic Includes

The Unknown vs. the illusion of the Known, and more...

The Unknown vs. the illusion of the Known
Be Inspired!

Topic Includes

What dimensions are and how they effect us, and more...

What dimensions are and how they effect us
Be Inspired!

Topic Includes

Holiday stress, expectancy vs expectation, choices, and more...

Holiday stress, expectancy vs expectation, choices
Be Inspired!

Topic Includes

Soul agreements, reincarnation, past lives, and more...

Soul agreements, reincarnation, past lives
Be Inspired!

Topic Includes

Soul Agreements, Karma and a conversation...

Soul Agreements, Karma and a conversation
Be Inspired!

Topic Includes

A review of the teachings and so much more...

A review of the teachings
Be Inspired!

Topic Includes

Waves of Ascension and their symptoms, and more...

Waves of Ascension and their symptoms
Be Inspired!

Topic Includes

Releasing Judgments and Ego, and more...

Releasing Judgments and Ego
Be Inspired!

Topic Includes

Why the old ways won't work anymore, discovering your passion, and more...

Why the old ways won't work anymore, discovering your passion
Be Inspired!

Topic Includes

How we judge our needs, recognizing "the game" being played, and much more...

How we judge our needs, recognizing "the game" being played
Be Inspired!

Topic Includes

Changing memories, the 'what if' game and much more...

Changing memories, the 'what if' game
Be Inspired!

Topic Includes

All about False Evidence Appearing Real and much more...

All about False Evidence Appearing Real
Be Inspired!

Topic Includes

Shifting the fear and so much more...

Shifting the fear
Be Inspired!

Topic Includes

What does Grief have to do with it? and much more...

What does Grief have to do with it?
Be Inspired!

Topic Includes

The essence, feeling and emotion of love and much more...

The essence, feeling and emotion of love
Be Inspired!

Topic Includes

Accepting, receiving, experiencing and expressing love and much more...

Accepting, receiving, experiencing and expressing love
Be Inspired!

Topic Includes

"Follow your hearts song and paint the world with the colors of your soul, Bye-Bye."

"Follow your hearts song and paint the world with the colors of your soul
Be Inspired!

All shows on Easy Knowing You Tube Channel

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Easy Knowing with Sherie Kennedy
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