with Sherie Kennedy
"Change your perspective. Change your life."
Speak Consciously
Thoughts, words, and emotions create our reality and each day we are experiencing what we have created whether we are aware of it or not.

We have been taught to verbalize (in thought, feeling and action) what we do NOT want to experience in our lives. Unfortunately, what wasn’t disclosed is that words are powerful and what we speak is what we experience, so when we begin verbalizing what we do want in our lives we will manifest that.
Our language is designed to keep us controlled, manipulated, and out of our power; to keep us in the past and/or future (where no one has any power); and to keep us in judgment of ourselves and others.
Breaking the habit of unconscious speaking does require that you pay attention differently to the conversations you have, with yourself and others.
What words are you using and why? Do you negate yourself with “I’m sorry” – a statement that is negating and demeaning to self, or do you “apologize” for your mistake and go on? How and when do you use the word “but”? It negates everything said before it is used, is that your intent?
Imagine that what we say is printed on the mind screen of our subconscious, and the last item remaining is what will manifest in your life. So choose words that let the higher realms know what you do want, knowing what you don’t want creates nothing.
If you say something that you do not want to manifest, simply say cancel, clear, or in the past, then state what it is you do want to manifest. Those statements give direction to your higher self and assist you in becoming more consciously aware of what and how you say what you mean.
Choose the highest good for all, instead of good/bad, right/wrong.
Speak in first person, present, when you communicate.
Speak from your heart and own who you are. Take responsibility for your own thoughts, feelings, and actions. (I think, I feel, I believe, etc.)
State what is instead of what is not.
Pay attention to the first thought and/or feeling that comes to you – it has merrit.

Listen Consciously
When you hear, are you listening? We hear what someone is saying, but we seldom listen to what they said.
When in a conversation, are you so busy thinking about what you want to say in response to what you heard that you quit listening to what was being said? That is true more often than not and the best way to break that habit is to repeat back what you heard. If it’s accurate the conversation becomes more interesting, and if it’s inaccurate, you have created a way to understand what you thought you heard differently.